Cloud Nōding

Flag Blockchain’s novel consensus mechanism

What is Cloud Nōding ?

NO Mining Required

Cloud Nōding is a proxy-stake consensus mechanism and it does not require any mining like Bitcoin's proof-of work. Each Cloud Node is powered by AWS, making it a sustainable solution. When you subscribe to a Cloud Node, you are becoming part of the Flag Blockchain Community!


Cloud Nōding allows subscribers to participate in the Flag Blockchain Proxy Consensus without directly operating a full node validator. Each Cloud Node offers 100 cNode subscriptions to positions on the Cloud Node. The cNode subscription holders of Cloud Nodes 1 - 5 are entitled to earn the following monthly rewards:

* 100 FLAG Coins for every month of subscription.  The FLAG Coins will be transferred to the subscribers’ associated wallet 90 days after the initial subscription and renewal dates on the first day of each month following the 90th day of subscribing and renewal.

*10,000 ROYSY tokens for every month of membership.  The ROYSY tokens will be transferred to the subscribers’ associated wallet ​90 days after the initial subscription and renewal dates on the first day of each month following the 90th day of subscribing and renewal.

*Rewards for Cloud Nodes 1-5 are guaranteed through March 31, 2025.

The monthly subscription cost of a cNode is only $74.20 and the monthly renewal rate is guaranteed not to increase through March 31, 2025.

5% of the cNode subscription fees for Cloud Nodes 1-5 will be allocated to the FLAG Coin Buyback Fund. Members of My Royal Society and the Royal DAO vote when to initiate the buyback of FLAG Coins with the funds allocated to this initiative. 

Start Your Cloud Node Subscriptions

STEP 1: Click "SIGN UP NOW" Button for Each Cloud Node You Would Like to Participate In

STEP 2: View Your Cart & Select the Number of cNode Subscriptions Per Cloud Node


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